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Mod security apr library not found: How to fix the error and install the correct version


Now comes the memory reserved for the PCRE library. ModSecurity documentation suggests a value of 1000 matches. But this quickly leads to problems in practice. Our base configuration with a limit of 100000 is much more robust. If problems still occur, values above 100000 are also manageable; memory requirements grow only marginally.

mod security apr library not found

With 200005 comes another rule which intercepts internal processing errors. Unlike the preceding internal variables, here we are looking for a group of variables dynamically provided along with the current request. A data sheet called TX (transaction) is opened for each request. In ModSecurity jargon we refer to a collection of variables and values. While processing a request ModSecurity now in some circumstances sets additional values in the TX collection, in addition to the variables already inspected. The names of these variables begin with the prefix MSC_. We now access in parallel all variables of this pattern in the collection. This is done via the TX:/^MSC_/ construct. Thus, the transaction collection and then variable names matching the regular expression ^MSC_: A word beginning with MSC_. If one of these found variables is not equal to zero, we then block the request using HTTP status 500 (internal server error) and write the variable names in the log file.

Here, ModSecurity describes the rule that was applied and the action taken: First the timestamp. Then the severity of the log entry assigned by Apache. The error stage is assigned to all ModSecurity messages. Then comes the client IP address. Between that there are some empty fields, indicated only by "-". In Apache 2.4 they remain empty, because the log format has changed and ModSecurity is not yet able to understand it. Afterwards comes the actual message which opens with action: Access denied with code 403, specifically already in phase 1 while receiving the request headers. We then see a message about the rule violation: The string "/phpMyAdmin" was found in the REQUEST_FILENAME. This is exactly what we defined. The subsequent bits of information are embedded in blocks of square brackets. In each block first comes the name and then the information separated by a space. Our rule puts us on line 140 in the file /apache/conf/httpd.conf_modsec_minimal. As we know, the rule has ID 10000. In msg we see the summary of the rule defined in the rule, where the variable MATCHED_VAR has been replaced by the path part of the request. Afterwards comes the tag that we set in SetDefaultAction; finally, the tag set in addition for this rule. At the end come the hostname, URI and the unique ID of the request.

I am trying to install apache in my linux machine. But when I tried ./configure --prefix = /usr/local/apache it shows an error configure: error: APR not found. Please read the documentation. I tried to install apr with yum install apr apr-deve and it says

The Apache Software Foundation and the Apache Portable Runtime Project are proud to announce the General Availability of version 1.7.2 of the Apache Portable Runtime library. APR 1.7 brings a number of enhancements and bugfixes documented in CHANGES. Users of earlier versions are encouraged to update to this release.

The Apache Software Foundation and the Apache Portable Runtime Project are proud to announce the General Availability of version 1.6.3 of the APR Apache Portable Runtime Utility library. Users of earlier versions are encouraged to update to this release.

This directive configures the LDAP_OPT_NETWORK_TIMEOUT (or LDAP_OPT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT) option in the underlying LDAP client library, when available. This value typically controls how long the LDAP client library will wait for the TCP connection to the LDAP server to complete.

If a connection is not successful with the timeout period, either an error will be returned or the LDAP client library will attempt to connect to a secondary LDAP server if one is specified (via a space-separated list of hostnames in the AuthLDAPURL).

Configuration Directives: The configuration directives for ModSecurity are similar to the Apache Server directives. Most of the ModSecurity directives can be used inside the various Apache Scope Directives. There are others, however, that can only be used once in the main configuration file. These rules, along with the Core rules files, should be contained in files outside of the httpd.conf file and called up with Apache "Include" directives. This allows for easier updating/migration of the rules. A full listing of configuration directives can be found in the reference section of this document:

Next, operators are defined for the request. In this case, the rule checks for the JS methods history.pushstate() and history.replacestate(). Assuming these values are found, the last section will be executed.

  • Tomcat can use two different implementations of SSL:the JSSE implementation provided as part of the Java runtime (since 1.4)

  • the APR implementation, which uses the OpenSSL engine by default.

The exact configuration details depend on which implementation is being used.If you configured Connector by specifying genericprotocol="HTTP/1.1" then the implementation used by Tomcat ischosen automatically. If the installation uses APR- i.e. you have installed the Tomcat native library -then it will use the APR SSL implementation, otherwise it will use the JavaJSSE implementation.

The httpd.conf file is usually found under /private/etc/apache2/httpd.conf. However, since we use a locally installed Apache httpd server that searches the /home/username/apachegsoap path, you will find httpd.conf in /home/username/apachegsoap/conf.

The error can be detected using apachectl configtest before an invalid configuration is loaded. It can also be found using the systemctl and journalctl commands. In the latter two cases, Apache will be unable to run because of the error.

Even in situations where an official patch is available, or a sourcecode fix could be applied to a custom coded application, the normalpatching processes of most organizations is time consuming. This isusually due to the extensive regression testing required after codechanges. It is not uncommon for these testing gates to be measured inmonths. For example, the Symantec Internet Threat Report [1] statedthat the average time it took for organizations to patch their systemswas 55 days, while the Whitehat Security Web Security Statistics Report[2] documented that their customers time-to-fix average was 138 daysto remediate SQL Injection vulnerabilities found in their webapplications. Now contrast this patching data with the fact thatSymantec also reported that it only took an average of 6 days forexploit code to be released to the public and it becomes clear thattraditional source code patching processes are not adequate.

Web assessments that include source code reviews, vulnerability scanningand penetration tests will most assuredly identify vulnerabilities inyour web application. Identification of the vulnerability is only thefirst half of the battle with the second half being the remediationactions. What many organizations are finding out is that the costassociated with the identification of the vulnerabilities often pales incomparison to that of actually fixing the issues. This is especiallytrue when vulnerabilities are not found early in the design or testingphases but rather after an application is already in production. Inthese situations, it is usually deemed that it is just too expensive torecode the application.

You should also have periodic re-assessments to verify if/when you canremove previous virtual patches if the web application code has beenupdated with the real source code fix. I have found that many people optto keep virtual patches in place due to better identification/loggingvs. application or db capabilities.

Binaries are built using the latest versions of the Apache Portable Runtime, OpenSSL and Zlib compression library. OpenSSL and Zlib are built using the optional assembly routines for added performance in the SSL and deflate modules.

Error loading shared library No such file or directory (needed by /usr/local/openresty/nginx/sbin/nginx)Error relocating /usr/local/openresty/nginx/sbin/nginx: _ZN11opentracing2v26Tracer6GlobalEv: symbol not foundError relocating /usr/local/openresty/nginx/sbin/nginx: _ZN11opentracing2v226propagation_error_categoryEv: symbol not foundError relocating /usr/local/openresty/nginx/sbin/nginx: _ZN11opentracing2v26Tracer10InitGlobalESt10shared_ptrIS1_E: symbol not foundError relocating /usr/local/openresty/nginx/sbin/nginx: _ZN11opentracing2v229DynamicallyLoadTracingLibraryEPKcRNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEE: symbol not foundError relocating /usr/local/openresty/nginx/sbin/nginx: _ZN11opentracing2v227dynamic_load_error_categoryEv: symbol not foundError relocating /usr/local/openresty/nginx/sbin/nginx: _ZN11opentracing2v229tracer_factory_error_categoryEv: symbol not foundError relocating /usr/local/openresty/nginx/sbin/nginx: _ZN11opentracing2v23ext17sampling_priorityE: symbol not found

Apple Entrepreneur Camp supports underrepresented founders and developers with app-driven organizations as they build the next generation of cutting-edge apps and helps form a global network that encourages the pipeline and longevity of these entrepreneurs in technology.

Apply now for one of three online cohorts for female, Black, or Hispanic/Latinx founders starting in January 2023. Attendees will receive code-level guidance, mentorship, and inspiration with unprecedented access to Apple engineers and leaders. Applications close on December 5, 2022.

Apple Entrepreneur Camp supports underrepresented founders and developers of app-driven organizations as they build the next generation of cutting-edge apps and helps form a global network that encourages the pipeline and longevity of these entrepreneurs in technology.

Apply now for one of three online cohorts for female, Black, or Hispanic/Latinx founders starting in October 2022. Attendees will receive code-level guidance, mentorship, and inspiration with unprecedented access to Apple engineers and leaders. Applications close on August 24, 2022. 2ff7e9595c

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